Accelerated Savings Delivery

Supporting a European lingerie retailer on an accelerated savings delivery programme, covering all areas of indirect spend to improve profitability.

To discuss how we can help you with similar challenges please contact Gavin Bowen-Ashwin.

The Problem

  • The retailer was aiming to strengthen their profitability through a nine-month accelerated cost reduction programme designed to make the brand more cost focussed and competitive.
  • There was a lack of internal capacity and capability, resulting in the need to build and run a programme that engaged stakeholders at every stage.

The Solution

  • The 4C team worked with the senior leadership team over a four-week period to build a robust opportunity assessment and develop and secure agreement to a cost reduction programme.
  • We built a multi-workstream programme of 30 sourcing and demand management projects and delivered them in eight months.
  • During the programme we engaged the stakeholder community with a robust comms plan to change their perceptions of procurement the programme was extended for three years.

The Impact

  • The programme delivered 19% cost savings on third party expenditure and subsequently improved cost efficiency throughout the business.
  • A cultural transformation led to a positive move towards cost consciousness and focus on value.
  • As a result, our client achieved improved profitability and increased sustainability focus, making the business more attractive for external investment.
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