Navigating Economic Recovery: Strategies for Food & Beverage Companies in a Changing Consumer Landscape

Drawing on insights from the 4C 2024 F&B Survey, we’re examining how changing economic conditions are reshaping consumer choices in food and drink purchases. We explore how easing inflationary pressures have influenced shoppers' price sensitivity, and how factors such as product range and sustainability now play an increasingly important role in purchasing decisions. Furthermore, this analysis provides actionable strategies...

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Can Agile Supply Chains Ease Pressures for FMCGs?

The consumer products industry is navigating the fallout of major international events such as concurrent geopolitical conflicts, inflation, and unpredictable demand. Businesses that fail to tailor their supply chain strategy to marketplace requirements risk their market share, competitiveness, or worse, their survival. So how can Introducing an agile supply chain help?

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Effective Partnering for Competitive Advantage

How will sponsors and CROs achieve competitive advantage in todays clinical development environment? Be the first to make hybrid outsourcing models work with much greater efficiency and effectiveness.

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Adapting to Evolution (and Revolution): Is Your Operating Model Fit for The Constantly Changing Global Environment?

We live in an era marked by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical shifts, unforeseen black swan events and the ever-evolving and dynamic nature of business and customer culture. As a result of this, organisations often find themselves having to navigate a fluid, complex and unpredictable global environment. The considerable challenge is to develop sustainable outcomes for the long-term when faced...

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Analogue to Algorithm: Pioneering Change in a Digital Frontier

Delve into the importance of change in the procurement domain, how diverse approaches to change management can impact outcomes and how a harmonious blend of change management principles and technology can drive successful transformation.

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Is Security of Supply Possible in Deflationary Supply Markets? 

Falling prices can boost your bottom line, but can you secure supply in a deflationary market? This blog explores the challenges and opportunities of deflationary supply chains. Discover strategies for leveraging cost reductions while maintaining security.

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Glide Paths for Sustainable Growth: Our Takeaways from The WPC

We recently attended the World Procurement Congress which provided a great opportunity to delve into pressing retail and consumer challenges that a lot of our current clients are facing such as ESG, resilience, performance, partnerships, and digitalization. Read our key takeaways here.

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Future-Proofing Life Sciences Procurement: Key Trends From The World Procurement Congress

We're delighted to share some valuable insights gathered from the recent World Procurement Congress held in the vibrant city of London from May 14th - 16th, this event was a powerhouse of knowledge exchange and networking. The Life Sciences industry is experiencing significant transformations due to technological advancements, demographic shifts, regulatory changes, and evolving consumer expectations.

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Building a More Inclusive and Equitable Workplace as a B Corp Consultancy

Happy Pride Month from the team at 4C - let’s work together to achieve a more inclusive and equitable workplace every day. 

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Lost Without a Map?

Companies across all industries are facing an existential choice: transform or die. The proliferation of technologies; AI, automation, big data, and the cloud are rapidly reshaping how businesses operate and deliver value. Embracing these innovations is no longer a matter of competitive edge but a prerequisite for survival in an era of accelerated digital transformation. However, achieving true digital...

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Facing the Facts – It’s Time to Rethink Clinical Outsourcing 

Recently Will Sillar and Rob Aitchison have spent many enjoyable hours talking with some of the most experienced clinical sourcing professionals in the industry about our approach to clinical development sourcing and procurement.  We’d like to hear your thoughts and opinions on what’s right, wrong or plain broken within the life science industry’s approach to clinical development outsourcing.   

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Why Is This the Right Time for a Radical Rethink of the Clinical Outsourcing Model and Approach?

It is two decades since the Pharmaceutical Contract Management Group (PCMG) first highlighted how the approach to outsourcing of the biopharmaceutical industry compared to others, such as IT, automotive, or construction.  It concluded that pharma was at least 10 years behind in terms of maturity, vendor relationships, contracting and pricing. Find our why it's time for a radical rethink of...

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Money in One Hand, Money Out the Other – Cash Choreography

With fluctuating inflation, energy costs and shifting consumer demand, 2024 will be an unusually turbulent economic climate; compressing working capital cycles by optimising the time between paying suppliers and collecting from customers will be vital for companies to maximise liquidity and build resilience no matter which direction markets trend. Forward-thinking companies now take a platform approach to connect O2C and...

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If Knowledge is Power, Data is Knowledge

Through procurement reform the UK government are introducing a new digital supplier registration portal. Reform also means more information will need to be available, correct, and shareable, than ever before. This is an opportune moment to make long-lasting changes and implement mechanisms that will transform your supplier data from a disabler to an enabler, with the help of digital...

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Do you have a secure supply chain? How well do you really know your suppliers?

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the significance of a secure and resilient supply chain cannot be overstated. Our 4C Transformative Procurement Survey highlighted that only 38% of respondent had a very good understanding of their first-tier supply base and more worryingly only 21% had only a basic understanding- which raised the question… Do you have a...

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