Source-To-Contract (S2C) Implementation

Working with a large London Borough Council to deploy additional Source-To-Contract (S2C) modules and functionality as part of a wider procurement strategy.

To discuss how we can help you with similar challenges please contact Mark Ellis

The Problem

  • The client required support to deploy additional Source to Contract (S2C) modules and functionality with an existing solution in place, to support the Council’s procurement strategy to extend access and adoption.
  • In collaboration with our technology partner Jaggaer, 4C was tasked with supporting the deployment of Supplier Performance and Risk Management, Contracts+, Sourcing and Spend Analytics on existing incidence to provide a full S2C tool set up for an expanded range of users across the Council.

The Solution

  • As the SI partner, our team worked collaboratively with the Council’s team to identify and agree the right workflows to ensure compliance with their procurement policy.
  • We hosted sessions for users to test and review configuration against requirements, to allow the client to see working elements and adjust requirements as needed.
  • Consequently we configured the Council’s requirements into their existing solution and worked together to address technical discrepancies.
  • Our team carried out training sessions for users, walking through each module with a variety of approaches to reflect different levels of knowledge and requirements of the functionality to enable high adoption and customer satisfaction levels from day one.

The Impact

  • A deployment of an operationally ready S2C incidence was configured to the requirements of the Council, positively impacting ways of working and resident services.
  • UAT and training was tailored and delivered by 4C to match differing experience levels and requirements of users providing systems confidence and enabling maximum adoption and comfort of the Council in moving to the new models.
  • Focused on client requirements and expectations, the combined collaborative expertise leveraged the strengths of both organisations to provide a flexible and tailored delivery.