Hospital Group Structure Development

Partnering to reform and refine the role of a financially failing District General Hospital (DGH).

To discuss how we can help you with similar challenges please contact Mark Ellis.

The Problem

  • A small District General Hospital (DGH) was financially failing and needed to radically reform and refine its role within the healthcare system.
  • A larger acute provider was also located nearby and it was clear that the two sites were duplicating services and were not working together to identify more efficient ways of working.

The Solution

  • A series of clinical sessions were undertaken looking at what pathways were being delivered across the two sites.
  • One of the 4C team commenced work with clinicians to develop new pathways and processes and agreed the role of each hospital. This meant that the smaller site stopped undertaking specialist surgery, which was safer for patients and instead aimed to develop more as a community-based hospital with a medical receiving unit.
  • They held sessions to look at a new model of care, namely the hospital group structure, which would see the merger of two Boards into one, to manage and oversee the new Hospital Group.
  • Rationalisation of all back-office functions was undertaken, providing the new Group structure with one IT, Finance, HR and Estates department.

The Impact

  • Their work resulted in reoccurring savings, rationalised estates and waste driven out of the system by reducing variation, removing duplication and streamlining pathways.
  • The removal of certain procedures from the smaller site led to improved patient experience and outcomes.
  • End to end patient pathways were developed and overseen by one organisation and patient care records became available throughout the patient journey.